
WP3 – Disruptive Technologies Enabling Post-Truth Politics

Work package three will identify newly emerging technological structures. In detail, by tracing, identification, description and reflection of technological assemblages affixing together prevalently material but also nonmaterial elements enrolled in often decentralised infrastructures. In other words, these decentralised interconnected technologies – assemblages – can be used for the development and dissemination of disinformation in their particular configuration. We will focus on their identification.

The WP will identify technological effects in creating new social structures and politics. The objective here is to identify political effects of mobilising new disruptive technologies for various political agendas, constructing alternative centres of legitimacy, promoting certain subcultural utopias and creating new forms of political power.

By formulating possible normative (un)desirable ends technology can enable/disable we will identify (un)desirable future implications of disruptive technology use. The WP will furthermore identify societal and political constitutive effects enabled by the disruptive technologies.