
Reclaiming Public Debates as an EU Response to Post-Truth Challenges


A RECLAIM panel "Reclaiming Public Debates as an EU Response to Post-Truth Challenges: Deliberation, quality information and citizen education" was organised at the TEPSA Pre-Presidency Conference that was held in Madrid, Spain, on 1-2 June 2023. Maximilian Conrad, University of Iceland, Nicoletta Pirozzi, IAI, and Luis Bouza, UAM, researchers from the RECLAIM project presented at the panel. The event was moderated by Taru Haapala, research fellow at UAM and member of the RECALIM project.

Recording from the panel

Report from the panel

Report: Pre-Presidency Conference 2023

Panel at TEPSA’s Spanish Pre-Presidency Conference “Reclaiming Public Debates as an EU Response to Post Truth Challenges: Deliberation, quality information and citizen education”, Madrid, 1 June 2023

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