
Building Democratic Resilience in Europe


A RECLAIM panel "Building Democratic Resilience in Europe" was organised at the TEPSA Pre-Presidency Conference that was held in Brussels, Belgium, on 23-24 November 2023. The panel featured the distinguished RECLAIM researcher, Elena García Guitián (Full Professor of Political Science at the Autonomous University of Madrid), Colin Scicluna (Head of Cabinet of Vice-President Šuica, European Commission), and Hendrik Van de Velde (Coordinator for the Belgian EU Presidency 2024, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) represented perspectives of the EU institutions and the coming Belgian Presidency. Maximilian Conrad, Professor at the University of Iceland and RECLAIM Coordinator, moderated the panel.

Report from the panel

Report of Belgian Pre-Presidency Panel, November 2023

Report from the RECLAIM panel "Building Democratic Resilience in Europe" at TEPSA's Belgian Pre-Presidency conference in November 2023.

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