New Publication!

Post-Truth Populism: A New Political Paradigm

This open access book analyses the convergence between ‘post-truth’ political culture and the politics of populism. The premise is that there is an intrinsic link between post-truth discourse (referring to mis/disinformation, ‘alternative facts’, ‘fake news’, conspiracy theories and the general distrust of expert knowledge and official sources of information) and the central narrative of populism, which opposes the ‘common sense’ wisdom of ordinary honest people to the ‘expert knowledge’ of duplicitous technocratic elites.

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About the project

The RECLAIM project addresses the overarching theme of the challenging future of liberal democracy in a presumably postfactual age. In recent years, it has become clear that one of the central challenges facing liberal democracy in the 21st century will be how to address the processes and phenomena that are frequently captured under the rubric of post-truth politics.

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Art Exhibition: Democracy in Frames

Join an exhibition inspired by the question: ‘What does democracy mean to you?’

What is democracy? How does art help it strive? How do we reclaim democracy despite growing threats and lack of trust?

The exhibition, held on 13-14 April at Talk C.E.C in Brussels, will showcase the art of several artists. Their art shows the resilience, inventiveness and humour of people facing crises, demonstrating they have the skills necessary to face multiple contradictory narratives and reclaim liberal democracy in the post-factual age. 


Can Liberal Democracy be Reclaimed? Regulation & Journalism in the Postfactual Age

Wednesday 13 March 2024, Worklounge Prikopy in Prague

This conference marks the mid-point of the RECLAIM project. The conference draws attention to two key aspects of the post-truth challenge: the need for high-quality journalism in liberal democracy and the role that regulation can play in ameliorating the post-truth challenge. Key researchers from the project will give an overview of their work in these areas and present the first findings from their empirical analyses.

Registration and further information

Open for applications: Postdoctoral position in political science with a focus on borders and/border policies

One full-time postdoctoral researcher position at the Institute of International Affairs, University of Iceland is open for applications. The researcher will join the team of the RECLAIM project, specifically the project´s work package on borders and identities in post-truth politics.


RECLAIM Visual Art Awards - Call for submissions!

What is democracy? Why is it important? And how does it affect our lives? We want to explore these questions and more, and we want to hear from you! But don’t just tell us – SHOW US – by submitting your art to “Democracy in Frames”.

More information

Meet the RECLAIM project!

In this video, Prof. Maximilian Conrad explains the new RECLAIM project. Recent years have witnessed the emergence of a set of processes and phenomena that are frequently referred to as post-truth politics and which constitute a fundamental challenge, potentially even an existential threat, to liberal democracy as we have come to understand it. Under the title “Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Postfactual Age” (RECLAIM).

Watch the video here

RECLAIM - Reclaiming Liberal Democracy in the Postfactual Age

The Reclaim Project had its Kick off conference in Reykjavík on Friday 14 October 2022 in Veröld - House of Vigdís. The conference focused on the challenges caused by external factors and disruptive technologies while also examining the role that citizenship education and media literacy can play in mitigating the challenges to liberal democracy.

Click here for recording

Academic Publications

Process tracing, QCA and SNA analytical and methodological details

Project: RECLAIM

Authors: Luis Bouza García (UAM), Álvaro Oleart (ULB), Rocío Sánchez del Vas (UC3M) and Juan Roch (UNED)

The objective of WP7 is to analyse how normative conceptions of public debate in democracy relate to different policy alternatives and political strategies to fight disinformation by using political theory to …

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Polarisation, News Consumption, and Beliefs in Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories: Early Signs of the Fragmentation of the Public Sphere in Iceland

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Authors: Jón Gunnar Ólafsson & Valgerður Jóhannsdóttir

A common explanation linked to increased polarisation has focused on changes in citizens’ information diets, with like-minded people apparently becoming increasingly isolated in online echo chambers. This article investigates whether news audience polarisation has increased …

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Exploring affective Polarisation of the (Digital) Public Sphere in Slovenia: The Case of Marshal Twito

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Authors: Melika Mahmutović & Marko Lovec

The last decade saw the issue of polarisation garnering increased scholarly attention. While political polarisation has been almost unequivocally studied as synonymous with ideological polarisation, scholars have recently addressed polarisation along partisan lines manifesting through strong …

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Does the Centre Hold? Public Sphere Configuration, Democracy, and the Quality of Political Talk in Sweden

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Author: Peter Strandbrink

In the present article, key conceptual and regulative requirements for quality public democratic talk to be maintained are identified and the linguistic economy of civic conversation about common affairs in the Swedish public sphere gauged; the relationship between public …

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Fragmented and Polarised? The German Public Sphere during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Author: Maximilian Conrad

The digital age has brought about fundamental questions about the viability of the public sphere. While a shared and inclusive communicative space is widely considered to be a fundamental requirement for democratic deliberation, the rise of social (and other …

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What Is the EU’s Vision of Democracy in the Post-Truth Scenario? A Conceptual Analysis of the Institutional Narratives of the Public Sphere in the “Democracy Action Plan”

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Authors: Elena García-Guitián, Luis Bouza & Taru Haapala

Contributing to recent academic and public debates on how European democracies should respond to a scenario of “post-truth politics”, this article explores the idea of democracy that underlies current regulatory responses in the “European …

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Not About Facts, but Emotions? Political Polarisation as a Problem of Redescription

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Author: Jeremias Schledorn

Political polarisation, e.g. following the refugee movements of 2015 or the Covid pandemic, is often explained by emotions. The latter are widely exploited as a political strategy, while points of view are often discredited as based on mere emotion …

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Fugitive Truth: Renewing the Public Sphere in the Age of Post-Truth

Project: RECLAIM

Special Issue: Javnost - The Public

Author: Saul Newman

In the sixty years since the publication of Jürgen Habermas' magnum opus, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere, the public sphere now faces a new threat in the era of “post-truth” politics. The preponderance of lies, mis/disinformation, “fake …

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Report: Contestation over Truth Regimes: Russia, China and the US digital diplomacy on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

The report explores digital diplomacy campaigns conducted by three foreign powers (China, Russia, and in comparison, The United States) in selected EU member states. It sheds light on how the first two try to achieve a specific external impact – severing foreign populations’ links to the regimes of truth that …

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Report: Reimagining the International as a Challenge to Liberal Democracy

This report returns to the recent history of the covid pandemic, rising populism and foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI) by Russia and China to explore how the crisis it produced shaped the contestation between strategic disinformation campaigns and EU’s security apparatuses. The report does so from a novel vantage …

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Report: RECLAIM Breakfast Roundtable

Democracy through policy dialogue

This closed-door event aimed to facilitate a constructive and interactive dialogue between policy-makers and project researchers. Designed to connect RECLAIM's academic findings with practical policy needs, the event fostered open, small-group roundtable discussions.

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Report of Midterm Conference

The RECLAIM midterm conference, hosted on 13 March 2024 by IIR Prague, focused on the role of journalism and regulation in addressing post-truth politics and reclaiming liberal democracy. Recording from the conference can be found on the RECLAIM website,

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Report of Belgian Pre-Presidency Panel, November 2023

Report from the RECLAIM panel "Building Democratic Resilience in Europe" at TEPSA's Belgian Pre-Presidency conference in November 2023.

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Report: Pre-Presidency Conference 2023

Panel at TEPSA’s Spanish Pre-Presidency Conference “Reclaiming Public Debates as an EU Response to Post Truth Challenges: Deliberation, quality information and citizen education”, Madrid, 1 June 2023

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Report: Pre-Presidency Conference 2022

Panel at TEPSA’s Swedish Pre-Presidency Conference “The Future of the Union and its Fundamental Values”, Stockholm 1 December 2022

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Report: RECLAIM Kick-Off Conference

The following report summarizes the main themes and discussions of the RECLAIM kick-off conference in Reykjavík.

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